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Estado de la Población Mundial 2009 “Suplemento jóvenes – En la frontera: jóvenes y cambio climático”

Estado de la Población Mundial 2009 “Suplemento jóvenes – En la frontera: jóvenes y cambio climático”
Estado de la Población Mundial 2009 “Suplemento jóvenes – En la frontera: jóvenes y cambio climático”


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Estado de la Población Mundial 2009 “Suplemento jóvenes – En la frontera: jóvenes y cambio climático”

Fecha de publicación

01 Enero 2009

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his youth supplement to UNFPA's flagship State of the World Population Report addresses climate change through the perspectives and experiences of seven young people (from Brazil, Marshall Islands, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines and U.S.A.). It explores how environmental changes are affecting their lives, and what further climatic changes could mean for young people's lives, livelihoods, health, rights and development.

 Young people all over the world are today standing up and calling for action on climate change. They are both angry with scenarios that in some cases seem inevitable and confident that their contributions will make a difference. The young people featured in this report tell stories that give us a glimpse of what impact climate change might have on young people from different backgrounds and cultures, giving a deeper understanding of how the lives of young people will change, as the projected impacts of climate change arrive.